How to quickly become famous in the music industry 2022

Dec 07, 2020 by Tony - 0 Comments

First, we must know what the market is asking for. Have you noticed that there are artists who are in the top and without necessarily having the most spectacular voice? Perhaps without having the widest vocal range in the world. In the case of J Balvin, who has achieved worldwide popularity and has remained in the top and with each song he has released, he has achieved more recognition.

In the meantime, people who have better vocal range, better voice, hardly manage to become famous in the music industry. Then, you will know 3 very important tips, which will surely serve to highlight and become famous in the music industry:


become famous in the music industry

1.Understand Your Voice Type And Get The Most Out Of It

You really don’t need to have the widest vocal range or the best intonation, or the most beautiful trebles in the world. Certainly, it is great, and it would be great if you had these attributes. However, if you do not have those qualities, it doesn’t mean that you can’t become famous in the music industry. Firstly, what you really need to understand is to know your voice and its capabilities very well.

To know what the qualities of your voice are, what the characteristics of your voice are. What are the maximum potential you can have with your voice is. Depending on that, you will do a great performance in a song. Again, I give the example of J Balvin. Maybe J Balvin is not an artist who has the perfect treble. Is not an artist who raises his voice a lot in songs.

However, J Balvin’s interpretation has a mark. Something that identifies it. he has something that makes it unique and makes it stand out from other interpretations. He has such a personality, attitude and character that all the songs are catchy. He interprets it in a very good way. All this added to the rhythm and the lyrics, makes the songs catchy. Basically, J Balvin knows his voice and brings out the full potential of his voice.

2. Knowing What The Market Is Asking For

Identify which are the rhythmic patterns, the most listened musical styles. Figure out what the new trends are in the music industry. Music evolves and we must keep this in mind. For example, the scales in G major, C major and D major, are the most popular scales in Spotify. This may help you to understand what are the trends.

Also, If the market is asking for songs with a specific characteristic. If it is asking for songs that are super relaxed, super minimalist. A song that have a ukulele guitar and perhaps in the background accompanied by percussion instruments.

So, this is indicating that there is a trend in the market, and this is what is being heard. You may say: “I am a super professional musician and I have been studying for 100 years and I want to make the most perfect melody, to invent something new. Very surely it is going to be super excellent, but you must keep in mind that this would not be the easy way. To become famous in the music industry, a key point is to know what is being demanded in the music industry.

3. The Chorus Of a Song

The chorus of a song is what people will memorize and will help greatly to place the song in the minds of the listeners. As our song is learned and recognized by many people, we will have achieved a lot, and this is largely due to the chorus of the song. There are people who write very good songs, perhaps with a message, a metaphor, but the chorus is not so easy to learn perhaps because of its complexity or because of a not very catchy melody.

Then we must keep in mind that it is not only about the complexity of a song or the musical arrangements. If we want to make ourselves known in a massive way a good choir is a fundamental piece that we must keep in mind. Many people think that a repetitive chorus is a bad thing, but, let me tell you, they are wrong. A repetitive chorus is only bad when it is not catchy when a person does not learn it or when it lacks that vibration, that feeling that makes people want to listen to it again and again.

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